Many of us juggle between work, personal obligations, social media, and busy extracurriculars. Technology and handheld devices have made it difficult to separate work life from home life.
83 percent of American workers suffer from work-related stress. Stress management is crucial to living a balanced life. But with our busy schedules, relieving stress can be difficult to prioritize.
We have put together a list of simple ways to de-stress after a stressful day. Read on to find out how you can build these healthy habits into your schedule so your time off is more fulfilling.
Types of Stress at Work
There are several reasons work triggers stress. A change in operation, poor management, interpersonal conflicts, organizational culture, job demands, and the physical work environment are all potential triggers of work-related stress.
Experiencing stress at work can cause physical, psychological, and behavioral reactions that impact mental and physical health. It is important to manage that stress appropriately to care for your health and well-being.
There are simple steps to take to lower stress levels when you’re off the clock and ensure optimal health. Here are some things you can do to manage your stress level.
Cut the Cord
It is important to note that you may still be mentally present at work long after you have physically left the job. Smartphone devices and email have made it too easy for coworkers and managers to reach out after hours.
Create healthy boundaries by turning off all devices, even if it is just for 10-15 minutes a day. Create a separation from the outside world.
Instead, curl up with a LOW EMF Sauna Blanket, and a great book. Take a bubble bath, or light a candle with stress relief aromatherapy properties. Lavender, chamomile, and eucalyptus are all great scents for lowering stress.
Exercising is a great way to eliminate stress. It’s not just great for body rejuvenation. When you exercise, you release endorphins, the feel-good chemicals which make you feel happier.
Get outside for a walk around the neighborhood or a jog on a local trail. The fresh air will help you focus on your breathing processes as well.
If you only have a few minutes, spend time doing some yoga at home. Yoga is a great way to move your body, and focus on healthy breathing practices. It lowers your heart rate and your blood pressure, making you feel better.
A structured, tidy atmosphere allows you to focus on life and how you spend your time rather than the chaos and to-do list. Decluttering might help you see things more clearly. Life with Less Mess emphasizes the organization of belongings, time, meals, expectations, and routines. You sleep better when your surroundings are calm, you’re less agitated, and you don’t have an infinite to-do list going through your mind.
Lean on a Support Person or Animal
Sometimes all you need is a little bit of support. Phoning a good friend and sharing a laugh is a great distraction from the challenges you faced during your day. It allows you to separate work from your personal life.
If opening up to someone you love is difficult for you, you can also find comfort in a pet. Studies show that petting a dog lowers levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Meanwhile, a cat’s purr can lower blood pressure, decrease labored breathing and even help heal infections.
Practice Gratitude
Practicing gratitude is another great way to lower your stress level. By taking time each day to focus on the things you are grateful for, you automatically distract yourself from the negative thoughts causing you stress.
Begin by taking a few minutes each day to think of five things you are grateful for. Then, start keeping a gratitude journal.
Gratitude also activates serotonin and dopamine in the brain, which will make you experience more pleasure, so you can enjoy life more.
Meditation for Relieving Stress
Meditation is another great way to calm the mind and silence negative thoughts. This healthy habit only requires a few minutes of your time each day but can make a big difference to your mental and physical health.
Begin by finding a relaxing spot to sit. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Inhale and exhale to create a sense of relaxation.
It’s best to use a guided meditation through a meditation app or audio file when you are first starting.
Meditation makes you feel balanced by providing an overall sense of calm. It causes a shift in your mood, allowing you to refocus your attention and reframe your thoughts.
Studies show that meditation also boosts productivity and helps increase the ability to multi-task, so you may even see improvements in your ability to manage stress in the workplace.
Mindfulness is the ability to be present with your thoughts, acknowledging them, without analyzing them or casting judgment on yourself. By observing the world around you with an open mind, you avoid jumping to conclusions or acting on impulses.
Mindfulness can be practiced at various times during your day. It can happen when you are in the shower, brushing your teeth, or eating breakfast. Just set aside a few minutes to be present with your thoughts so you can work through them with clarity.
Being mindful allows you to cope with your feelings healthily and avoid feeling overwhelmed.
Get Creative
Find a creative outlet to express yourself through. Creative activities like painting, playing music, or writing are great for relieving stress.
Finding a hobby, you are passionate about allows you to take a break from the everyday stressors of life, to focus on developing a new skill. It is a great distraction from negative thoughts or anxiety. For instance, if you are into off-road riding, you can get your dirt bike out for some off-road riding while boosting your mood. To decorate your bike, you can also be creative and find Honda dirt bike decals online. You will not only be looking stylish, but you will also be riding in style.
Doing something you enjoy is also a great way to release dopamine, helping you maintain optimal health and a sound mental state.
Managing Stress
Busy schedules make it increasingly difficult to manage stress, especially work-related stress. Finding ways to de-stress is challenging if you haven’t created healthy habits to do so.
Thankfully, the tips listed in this guide do not require a lot of time in your busy day. But practicing these healthy habits lowers your stress levels and has a positive impact on your life. Following these steps makes relieving stress easy.
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