The NRP Full Form is “Neonatal Resuscitation Program“, “National Research Program“, “Network Resource Planning” and “National Religious Party“. Also, it has many other Full Forms that are listed below.
Mainly the NRP is Stands for “Neonatal Resuscitation Program” and “National Research Program“. We listed NRP Full Form in Hindi Meaning to in the below table.
All NRP Full Form in Hindi Meaning
Neonatal Resuscitation Program |
नवजात पुनर्जीवन कार्यक्रम |
National Reading Panel (US Department of Education) |
नेशनल रीडिंग पैनल |
National Research Program |
राष्ट्रीय अनुसंधान कार्यक्रम |
Nationally Registered Paramedic |
राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर पंजीकृत पैरामेडिक |
Non-Resident Parent |
अनिवासी जनक |
National Reconciliation Party |
राष्ट्रीय सुलह पार्टी |
National Republican Party |
नेशनल रिपब्लिकन पार्टी |
National Radio Project |
राष्ट्रीय रेडियो परियोजना |
National Route Program (mostly used in USA) |
राष्ट्रीय मार्ग कार्यक्रम |
National Recycling Partnership |
राष्ट्रीय पुनर्चक्रण भागीदारी |
Normal Rated Power |
सामान्य रेटेड बिजली |
Network Routing Processor |
नेटवर्क रूटिंग प्रोसेसर |
National Roaming Partner |
नेशनल रोमिंग पार्टनर |
National Release Point |
नेशनल रिलीज प्वाइंट |
National Roaming Partner |
नेशनल रोमिंग पार्टनर |
Net Retail Price |
शुद्ध खुदरा मूल्य |
Non Residential Premise |
गैर आवासीय परिसर |
In the above table, you have learned all the most used NRP Full Form in Hindi Meaning. So, now we are going to discuss some questions that are frequently asked on the Internet.
#1 What NPR stand for?
Mainly the NRP is Stands for “Neonatal Resuscitation Program” and “National Research Program“
#2 What does NRP mean in text?
There are many meanings of NRP in the Text, mainly the most using NRP meaning in the text is “Neonatal Resuscitation Program“, “National Research Program“, “Network Resource Planning” and “National Religious Party“
#3 What does NRP stand for in finance?
The NRP is Stands for in Finance is Net Retail Price.
#4 What is NRP Stands for home loan?
The NRP Stands for home loan is “Non Residential Premise“
Finally, you have learned all NRP Full Form, So, at Conclusion we find that NRP Full Form is “Neonatal Resuscitation Program“, “National Research Program“, “Network Resource Planning” and “National Religious Party“
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