Love is in the air. Gain some Valentine’s Day goodies during this event!
It’s that time of the year again when Square Enix releases new items for their upcoming Valentine’s Day events for Final Fantasy XIV. This year, players can look forward to participating in a variety of activities to earn seasonal rewards. The festivities will kick off with a special quest (No Love Lost) that players can pick up by talking to Lisette de Valentione in Old Gridania. It is important to note that this request has a level requirement of 15.
If you’re a new player or are just now deciding to jump in, reaching level 15 will take very little time. It is certainly enough time to reach that before the event ends even if you are a casual gamer.
Let’s jump into the details that you need to know.
What Is Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn?
Final Fantasy XIV is an MMORPG developed and published by Square Enix. It was originally released in 2010 for PC. While the initial launch of the game was a disaster, it made a comeback in 2013 with a new title, A Realm Reborn. It is currently available for PC and PS4; there’s no Xbox release as of yet, but there have been hints of it possibly coming to Microsoft’s console sometime in the future. For now, we’ll just have to wait and see.
Fast forward to 2022, the game has since become one of the biggest MMOs in existence. Final Fantasy XIV has a huge player base for a few reasons.
The first reason is that Final Fantasy XIV is one of the most well-made MMOs on the market. It’s an extremely polished game with high production values. The world of Final Fantasy XIV is incredibly detailed and beautiful, and there’s always something new to explore. Square Enix also does a great job of adding new content to the game regularly, keeping players engaged.
The second reason Final Fantasy XIV has such a large player base is that it is a social game. There are tons of activities you can do with other players, from raiding dungeons to fishing together andf playing mini-games. No wonder the community in Final Fantasy XIV is known to be friendly and welcoming.
The game is brimming with life, with over 14 million registered players as of 2019. Final Fantasy XIV continues to be popular after 12 years, thanks to its gameplay, constant updates to new content, and social features. Whether you’re a fan of Final Fantasy or not, there’s no denying that FFXIV is one of the most successful MMOs around.
When Does The Valentione’s Day 2022 Event Start and End?
The celebration event began on February 8 and ends on Monday, February 21. Be sure to log in to your FFXIV account by then to add some festive items to your inventory. Considering the quest chains to obtain an achievement and Chocobo set isn’t very long, you should be able to complete this quickly.
This event has been happening every year since 2011 with new items every year. If you happen to miss this one, be on the lookout next year for more exclusive items to grab.
What Can You Earn From The Final Fantasy XIV Valentione’s Day Event?
Final Fantasy XIV players can look forward to a variety of different rewards for participating in the upcoming Valentine’s Day event. Some of these include:
– Going through the small Valentione’s Day questline will eventually net you a cosmetic costume for your Chocobo. The Postmoogle Barding set will is “a festive suit of Chocobo armor inspired by hardworking Postmoogles everywhere.” It is important to note, that this mount set isn’t account-wide. This character will be the only one to have it on your FFXIV account.
– The second item can be bought with FFXIV gil. The House Valentione Maid NPC in Old Gridania has a variety of items for sale, including the Valentione Mobile. The Valentione Mobile is a “Dangling decorations crafted into various heart shapes, though none of them are anatomically accurate.” that costs 6000 FFXIV gil.
– The third (and technically fourth) item is the Prismatic Heart (right and left). This item can be bought with 8 FFXIV gil. “This peculiar contraption creates illusions by weaving together myriad shades of light.”
In short, if you are in the mood for some lovey-dovey romantic gestures in the gaming world, be sure to check out Final Fantasy XIV’s Valentione Day 2022 event. You can gain some nice Valentine’s Day-themed goodies and a cosmetic set for your Chocobo, so log in and meet other fellow gamers helping NPCs and others find love. Join in on the fun before it ends on February 21!