If you’re tired of sending out email marketing campaigns that don’t convert into sales, it’s time to try a new approach. You might be surprised at how easy it is to make active videos that compel prospects to act. This blog will give you a quick guide regarding the solutions for using video in sales.
You want them to watch your video, not just see it.
Videos are more engaging, memorable, shareable, and fun to watch. Videos are more persuasive, especially if you’re trying to sell something (which, who isn’t?). The credibility of your brand or product will increase if you use video instead of text or graphics alone.
Mistakes can turn off prospects.
In the same way that a bad first impression will give someone a negative opinion of you, embarrassing or frustrating mistakes can make people instantly distrust your brand. Why would they trust you with their money if they’re not willing to trust you with their data?
And the cost of making a mistake before closing the deal is much higher than it is after closing. If you don’t convert these customers, there’s no way for them to become repeat customers because they’ll never see your ads again.
You need a reason to stay in touch.
With active videos, you can track your results and fully understand what works by measuring the number of people who watch your video all the way through, how long they watch it and which areas they scroll over or pause. This means that even if someone doesn’t respond to your email or phone call, you’ll still be able to know whether or not they saw it.
Active videos also allow you to measure general engagement with your brand: how much time does each viewer spend watching? Which parts are most interesting? What is their demographic makeup (age/gender)?
You want better engagement metrics.
As a marketer, you want to know how many people watched your video and how many of those who watched the video took action. You also want to know which videos didn’t get many views. With Active Videos, you can see exactly that kind of information!
Why not use a video?
You want to know who is watching your videos. You need to understand how many people are engaging with the content you create to make intelligent decisions about how much time and money should be invested in it.
You want to see who shared your video versus people who just clicked through from Facebook or Google Ads. Sharing is much more personal than clicking on an ad; sharing means that someone has decided this piece of information is worth sharing with others on social media or emailing their friends about.
This shows true interest and investment in what you’re doing!
Tracking clicks from a link within your video back through Google Analytics will tell you if there’s any movement toward success once someone clicks-through from YouTube (or another platform) onto your website or landing page for sales purposes!
Making videos is hard and time-consuming.
Making a good video is hard and takes a lot of time. You need to be in the right mindset to create the perfect video. It takes skill and practice to get great at it, but solutions for using video in sales can boost your marketing efforts.
You’re going to want to start by making sure that you have all of the equipment necessary for creating a compelling video:
· A camera (or phone with a high-quality camera)
· A microphone (ideally an external one)
· Sound editing software (optional)
Not all videos are the same.
You’re probably familiar with the term “passive video.” It’s a generic term that indicates any kind of video on your website or blog that doesn’t require user interaction.
An example is a YouTube video embedded in your content—you don’t need to click anything, and simply watching it will do.
Active videos are different. They require users to take some action before they can be viewed: for example, filling out an information form or subscribing to an email list.
This makes them more effective for lead generation, lead nurturing, and sales than passive videos because they build momentum at every stage of your customer journey by prompting action from visitors who might not otherwise have signed up for emails or taken an actionable next step online (like buying something).
It’s hard to track responses to a traditional video email.
Tracking responses to a traditional video email is not as straightforward as it would be for an active video. With traditional videos, you can use Adobe Target to track clicks from emails and optimize your messages based on engagement.
However, since your recipient has no way of interacting with a traditional video email, you won’t see any analytics from it unless you’re using Google Analytics to capture page views and other data.
You also won’t know if people are watching all the way through or just scrolling past without watching anything because there’s no loading indicator or play button that lets you know when someone starts playing the video (or stops).
Active videos are more engaging and allow you to track leads more effectively. They’re a great way to get in touch with prospects who may have missed your email or to show them exactly what they’re missing out on if they don’t take action. If you haven’t tried this yet but are curious about it, now would be a good time!